Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Year's resolutions

So it's New Year's day.  Time for new beginnings.  Time to resolve to do things better this year.  To do things differently this year.  Time to make promises to myself that I will likely grow bored of or simply forget about until about 11.5 months from now.  Not this year.  This year will be different.  I hope anyway.  I could grow cynical and say what's the point but hope springs eternal and I have hope anew each year that THIS will be the year I do what I say I will.  I only have a few resolutions.

1 - Lose weight - yeah I know this is a common one but it's one that I need to do.  It's one that I have a new determination to do.  My goal is to lose 100lbs by my birthday next year (my birthday is in mid-January).  That's about 2lbs a week and if I actually put the effort into it a completely do-able goal.  What this looks like for me:
  1.  drink at least 64oz of water a day
  2. workout five days a week
  3. plan my meals and make them healthy
  4. daily track calories at

2 - Bible time - I want to have daily bible time.  I want to read through the bible this year using a new kind of plan.  I'll post more on that in the near future.  I also want to more thoroughly delve into the bible study my women's bible study group is doing.  I get a lot out of it already and I can just imagine how much more I'd get out of it if I spent more in depth time on it.

3 - organize my home and get rid of the clutter.  The clutter in our home is driving me nuts.  We have so much STUFF.  And I want to get our home organized and be vigilant about keeping it that way.  I'm aiming for at least one organization project a week.  Keep an eye out because I'm sure to post about it.

4 - Embrace time with the kids.  I want to really actively embrace doing things with the kids.  Sometimes it's easy to get stuck in the "house cleaning, no nonsense down to business" mommy routine but I want to make an effort to do something fun with my kids every day this year.  A board game, reading a book, playing a wii game, making a yummy treat.  SOMETHING, anything.  As long as it's fun and involves the kids it qualifies.

Those are my resolutions for this new year of 2012.  I can't wait to look back in 11.5 months and see how far I've come from where I sit right now.

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