So last week I talked about checking out the section on Organizing Made Fun with the 31 days to cheap organization. And I glanced through all 31 days of ideas this past week and implemented a few of them. Some of them I've already implemented.
You might recall this post about my movie shelf make over. Here's a pic to refresh your memory:
This organization project used cardboard boxes from our luvs diapers. This is #2 on the 31 days cheap organizing list.
#9 is leftover containers and I used one that I didn't have a lid for here to organize our popcorn in the cabinet:
#10 is Jars and here I used a ragu jar to corral the straws for the kids' drinks:
How do you like that organizing within another organizing thing? lol Yeah, I'm ON the ball!
The next one I'm not sure which category it falls under. It's a washed out nesquik container that now holds our wooden spoons, spatulas, and other cooking utensils.
Oh and it holds that lovely plastic rose my men brought home for me from grocery shopping one day. Which I actually love.
#27 is the dollar store:
The coffee cup holders on the wall were from the dollar store. The shelf was from a yard sale. A nice 5.00 score.
#18 is baskets, I got these baskets for 1.00 on clearance after back to school time:
I have those baskets everywhere in the house. They were up in one of the first pics, I have them in the sock cabinet in the living room. LOVE them.
I have some other ideas too but either haven't implemented them or haven't taken pics of them yet. Please remember to check out organizing made fun's list here and check out all of her other great tips!
I'm all for some new organizing tips! Thanks for sharing.