Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Working hard, hardly working

So for about an hour here and there I feel like I'm working really hard and the other hours of the day I feel like I'm hardly working.  I'm trudging along over here finishing up the final details for our first week of school next week.  On the list of things to do were things like:

make calendar board and notebooks
clear off and organize math center
find Kayd's spelling book
clean laundry room - I store our toys and school supplies here and when it's impassable not only do we run out of underwear but I have a hard time getting to school things as well.
clean the house spotless and snap pictures for the blog

I've gotten a few of these done the past couple of days.  Writing center is a go, Math center is a go, have a designated area for this week's science supplies.  I accidentally happened upon Kayd's spelling book - thank goodness!! while looking for something else.  Didn't find that though.  Grr.

I put a lot of pressure on myself to get things in perfect order for school.  I keep thinking that the more orderly my house the more orderly our school day and I continue to forget that four children ages 2-6 are not orderly.  Period.  Ever.  So yeah.  I'm still striving but we'll start school on Monday whether everything is perfect or not.  More likely it won't be.

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