Monday, August 29, 2011

Muffin Tin Monday - the Letter M

Last week in our school the letter of the week was M.  So come Friday I had gotten some M foods ready for consumption.  Most of them were things the kids normally eat but there was one new food item in our tins.
Mango, mushrooms, macaroni, muenster cheese, and milk!

All three trays together.

Baby girl didn't get a tin but she had the same yummy food for dinner!

The boys eating their dinner with all of our FIAR stuff still scattered about the table. lol

So the mango was a new food for the kids.  They're usually really great about liking different fruits but this time only Squirrel seemed eager to go at it.  From the kitchen, I heard him coaching Howler to give it a try, that it was really yummy.  Which just cracked me up.  Then I hear Howler exclaim "It tastes like a (something else another fruit that is actually closely related but the name of which I am having a difficult time remembering at this very moment.)"  He must have only eaten that one bite though because at the end of the night that spot was still full of mano.  The other two ate all of theirs gone.  Actually so did the Princess come to think of it.  Spider didn't eat very much but he made that mango disappear.

Check out the rest of the muffin tin meals by clicking on the button!


  1. How wonderful to have food coach at your house. The tin looks mmmm... good!

  2. JDaniel4's mom used the line I was thinking of as well. LOL Mmmmm good! How fun that you are using FIAR. We just started with it today. The kids and I are so excited!

  3. I love how your kids were encouraging each other to try the mango...too cute.

  4. I love mangoes, but unfortunately my kids do not. We are starting BFIAR in a few weeks.
