Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Not Back to school pictures!

We are joining in the Not back to school hop once again.  This week is school picture week.  So I snapped some pics of my boys over the last two days of school.
 Squirrel being a silly guy!
 Spider monkey
 Squirrel has been in a silly mood lately.  Princess watches on.
 My big little first grader: Kayden, 5yrs old
 My precious K-4 studen: Colton, 4yrs old
 Brothers.  This is what school is made of people.

 Howler - he's always happy.  It took one shot to get a nice smile from him.
Toddler Tot - Sawyer, 2.5yrs old
Teeny Tot - Sierra, 13 mo (and such a helper haha)
One more pic of the precious princess.

Make sure to stop over to the blog hop and check out the other great student photos.