Thursday, April 21, 2011

Thankful Thursday

Today I am thankful

That all of our caterpillars survived to become butterflies in our butterfly garden.  It has delighted the children immensely.

That Princess' top teeth finally broke through and that growth spurts CAN'T last forever - I will sleep again someday!

That Squirrel monkey's adult teeth are growing in (even if one of them is way ahead of the game as it's baby tooth hasn't even come out yet!).

That my children have the opportunity to read and know the word of God and a fun place to learn about Him at our church's Wednesday night awana program.

That our Savior came to our darkened world, gave so much of himself while He was here, including His life and that He rose again.  That He sacrificed His own will for the good of the rest of us and that if we just choose to accept His gift we can spend eternity with Him in heaven.

It's the week we celebrate the passion of our Lord and I'm super excited about it this year.  Maybe it's because Squirrel and Howler are a bit older and better able to understand what it all means.  Maybe it's just where I am in my walk right now.  I think it is perfectly fitting that we celebrate the death and resurrection of our savior right at the time that spring is breaking through the winter doldrums because I imagine the resurrection to be just like that.  Before Jesus made his sacrifice for us the people were living in a centuries long winter.  Then He died and resurrected and Spring enveloped them.  The hope of life and Son.  Amazing!  Simply amazing.  God knows what He's doing.  We can see it all around us if we open our eyes and look.  So do me a favor today and take a look.


  1. Oh how much we have to be thankful for! :)

  2. Love the parallel to winter and spring, Samantha!

  3. Definitely much to be thankful for. I bet the butterfies were beautiful!

  4. I felt the same exact way about Easter and spring this year. It was powerful to be reminded of Christ's resurrection in such a tangible way.

  5. I have a lot to be thankful for too. Thank you for the reminders. :)

  6. I have so much to be thankful for, too! Thanks for the reminder to really open my eyes and see the blessings in my life. :)

  7. I love your list. You are blessed!

  8. What a wonderful post! it's so easy to forget all that we have to be thankful for. Awana is an amazing program. I love helping out with the Cubbies, they are so on fire for Him, and that's wonderful to see in such at such a young age! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog, every comment makes me smile, every follower makes my day!

  9. love it, you are blessed indeed!

  10. I have been trying to keep track of a thankful list myself. It really helps to change my perspective. I loved reading yours! :)
