From left to right and top to bottom: lettuce leaf to represent Palm Sunday, pb&j to represent bread, and the cup of juice to represent the wine/juice of the last supper. String cheese stick cut in half and shaped like a cross, apple pieces cut into squares with peanut butter dots to represent the dice they used to cast lots for Jesus' garments. Applesauce with cinnamon (spices they put on Jesus), napkin to represent the cloth the wrapped Jesus in, and under the apple stone is an empty tomb.
Before I let them eat we talked about what each of the things represented as we went through the story. Then they dug in:
And I had some very satisfied customers:
And as a bonus here's a picture I took of my grandma holding Princess at our family Easter egg hunt yesterday:
And one more bonus a group shot of all the kids together:
Spider 2.5, Nephew1 7, Squirrel 5.5, nephew2 5.5, nephew3 4.5, niece3 11.5mo, niece14, Howler 3.95, niece2 2.5, Princess 9 months. |
But this is what they're really like when we haven't spent ten minutes posing them:
You can only imagine the noise that went along with this picture and it was indeed a true candid. But it was a great time had by all.
Alright ya'll that's it for today, as usual I'm linked up at Muffin Tin Mom so head on over and check out all the other great tins from today.
love the tins I so need to do that someday soon