I've outlined a list that's slightly more detailed for myself so that I won't forget some of the things that I tend to forget when cleaning.
Now the routine of the challenge is this:
Main spaces
load of laundry
and on Fridays we add bathrooms and on Saturdays we prep our meals for Sunday so we can have a true day of rest Sabbath and on Monday's instead of main spaces we are supposed to catch up on hot spots from weekend. It is a good and simple and solid routine that should keep the house clean even if it is clearly lived in.
There are also "next thing" challenges to help with, well, the next thing. I'm not going to tell you what those are... check out the book. lol
So to add to it I've made myself a laundry schedule and added in morning and afternoon tidy times (10 min each and the kids will be involved in helping).
Monday: 1 bed of sheets and a regular load
Tuesday: 1 bed of sheets and a regular load
Wednesday: 1 bed of sheets and a regular load
Thursday: 1 bed of sheets and a regular load
Friday: Princess' blankets and a regular load
Saturday: regular load
Monday: playroom
Tuesday: boys room
Wednesday: my bedroom
Thursday: office
Friday: bathroom
Saturday: Van
Monday: living room hot spot
Tuesday: dining room hot spot
Wednesday: kitchen hot spot
Thursday: laundry room
Friday: boys room
Saturday: meal plan and grocery shopI also want to aim to tidy through the downstairs before I go to bed. It makes it easier to keep up with the next day. I'm planning to print out these lists on page and laminate them and keep them on a clipboard so I can mark off what I've done and at the end of each week see that it's gone well.
Sounds like a good plan... I have an almost one year old who I call my attached shadow, I am struggling to keep my house in order. I like just focusing on one area at a time. I also found working in small time slots helps me stay focused...when he naps or goes to bed at night. I work(clean, prep dinner, etc.) for 15 minutes then do something for myself for fifteen minutes (blog, craft, read, work on school planning etc.) and keep rotating through his nap...Think I will start a check list too.