Friday, January 3, 2014


I know we're a few days into the new year now but hey a few days is better than a few months right?

So resolutions.  We all make em.  Or most of us do anyway - whether we tell others about them or not I think most people at least make them privately if not publicly.

This year I've decided to keep things simple.  Four areas to work on to improve myself this year.

As a mom - I want to purpose to have one on one time with each child each month.

As a wife - I want to purpose to have one date night a week - nothing hugely fancy most weeks, something simple at home, just a time to connect with Jay and remember to keep each other a priority in the busy-ness of parenting five busy children.

As a Christian - daily prayer and bible time - this is hard to get sometimes because of those five busy children but I want to make it a priority.

For myself - I want to get healthier.  I saw great success with weight loss while eating a controlled carb diet during Lilah's pregnancy and I plan to return to that diet again now.  I also want to add movement to my days to burn some extra calories.

And that's it.  Those are my resolutions for this year.  I resolutely resolve to be resolute.

1 comment:

  1. I am working on a better prayer time too.
