Wednesday, June 29, 2011

What's for dinner Wednesday... Camping edition

So we're going camping this weekend.  With my dad and second mom and little sister, and my other little sisters and all of our children and a couple of our husbands.  It's going to be mass chaos.... of course that's a given with 11 kids 7 and under.  But it's going to be a blast.  At least in my estimation.  Now I haven't really chatted with my extended family about meals yet.  But here are a few thoughts I'm having on the subject.

We will be camping Friday night, Saturday night, and Sunday night.

baked goods - muffins, banana bread (I bought bananas just for this), and I'll probably bring some hard boiled eggs for my kiddos as I know they'll eat them and they should keep ok in the cooler.

I might also try my hand at home made granola bars and graham crackers and cereal bars for snacks.

I plan to bring lots of fruit and veggies as this is something my kids eat pretty regularly anyhow.

For suppers we'll probably do burgers, hot dogs, ??  I got a great tip from an online friend about making chicken and veggie packets in foil and just cooking them right in the fire pit for supper the first night and I'm definitely going to be making that suggestion as it sounds super good.

For lunches we'll probably do sandwiches - PB&J keeps well regardless of weather.  KOJ and I might bring some lunchmeat sandwich staples too for ourselves.

And if all else fails we're not going to be in the middle of nowhere.  There's a McD's about ten minutes from the campground.  Talk about roughing it! lol

What do you eat when you go camping??

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